Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Unpredictable Days

Hannah had another appointment yesterday. She had an IV chemo that was given slowly so it took a long time. Then they wanted to watch her for an hour to make sure she didn't have an allergic reaction to it (which is common with this type of chemo). We were very thankful that her body didn't react to it! We were on the infusion side of the clinic where each patient is separated only by curtains. I felt sorry for the other patients, parents and nurses having to hear Hannah's steroid rage. You can see by her expressions that she is not having a good time.

Kids are truly amazing! Hannah's not feeling well seems to come and go in waves. She will cry and sit in my lap, saying that her stomach hurts. Then twenty minutes later she is up, playing and happy. The same goes with her moodiness due to the steroids. She can be her normal, happy self and then it is like a switch is flipped and she is angry and miserable. I believe that if my body was going through all of this I would probably be in the bed complaining and moody ALL the time! I guess grown-ups know too much. Not understanding everything that is going on must help kids deal with this sort of thing better.

1 comment:

Meg said...

It makes me sad to see her so unhappy. Praying for you as you continue to be her rock.