Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hannah had her January appointment on Thursday. Since we had to be at the hospital rather early, we went up the night before. Evan and Lauren came with us on this trip. Isn't it wonderful how a stay in a hotel is the best thing ever for kids? Their favorite thing is to jump from bed to bed. (Sorry everyone else who is trying to sleep!)

This time Evan volunteered to sleep in the chair instead of in the bed with both his sisters. Surprisingly, the next morning he said he slept well.

Hannah's appointment was long but routine. She got her monthly IV chemo and blood work done. Earlier in the week when I told her we had to go back, this was the conversation we had:

Me: We have to go back for another appointment.
Hannah: Spend the night in the hospital?
Me: No.
Hannah: Finger prick?
Me: Yes.
Hannah: Port? (She was asking if they would have to access her port)
Me: Yes.
Hannah: Sleepy medicine? (She was asking if she would have to be sedated, which she doesn't like)
Me: No.
Hannah: OK

The understanding she has about all these procedures is amazing. In just a few short questions she had the whole doctor visit understood in her mind. 

I remember a couple of years ago thinking that I wanted to expose my children to other children who may have disabilities or were different in some ways. I wanted them to learn that children who may look or move differently were still just kids who wanted to be treated the same. I wasn't sure where or how to do that. As we walked into the very full waiting room this week, it hit me that this has been taken care of. A quick scan of the room showed children of every race and background, many with no hair, many who looked very sick, one with large scars all over his bald head, and a couple in wheelchairs. All three of my children didn't stare or ask questions about what was wrong with these kids. This is normal to us now. I looked over at one point and my kids were talking and playing with a little boy (a little older than Hannah) who obviously had cancer and had a prosthetic leg. He was showing them how he could take it off and how he could balance on his other leg. He and Hannah were showing each other how long they could stand on one foot. I love this! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. What a blessing for my children (and me!) 

Hannah will continue on her oral chemo this month and return next month for the same type of visit. It is nice to have things be the same every month. She is on steroids again this week. I explained this to Evan and Lauren and gave them the talk about how this means that we all have to be extra patient, etc. They both asked if they could have a vacation from Hannah. :)

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