Monday, September 17, 2012

A Good Day

Hannah had her next-to-last appointment for this phase today. She had chemo inserted into her spinal cord fluid and two other kinds of chemo through IV. The above picture was when she was waking up from her sedation. Her only request was plain Lays potato chips, which have been one of her favorite foods since starting this whole process. She isn't eating much at all anymore and these potato chips were about all she ate today. Yes, this seems very unhealthy but her docs say that any calories we can get into her are good right now. We'll worry about eating healthy foods later.

Hannah finally decided that she would pose for a picture with her all time favorite nurse "Miss" Lilly (we've tried a picture with her before and Hannah refused to look or smile). Hannah truly looks forward to seeing her and has even told her, "You know I love you, Miss Lilly". We are so thankful to get to have amazing nurses and doctors take care of Hannah. I can't imagine what this journey would be like without them!

This is in front of the hospital on our way out. 

Eric and I feel like we are becoming experts on the ride to and from Atlanta. We are learning exactly what restaurants/gas stations are at which exits - which ones are clean and which ones to avoid. We pretty much know exactly how long it will take us to arrive from any point on the trip. We have figured out different ways to get to and from the hospital according to the time of day and traffic. And we have definitely learned which one of us needs to drive and which one needs to navigate :)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I love the picture of Eric with his little girl. So glad you got a picture of Miss Lilly. I'm sure Hannah will remember her for years to come.