Monday, October 29, 2012

A Witch on Steroids

Again, I have no pictures of Hannah's appointment on Friday. She is still having a hard time being at the hospital these days. A sweet friend, who had personal experiences of this, told me that it is normal for Hannah to get fed up with everything. A couple of the nurses agreed that kids seem to go through phases when they can handle it better and times when they can't. It helps to know that this is normal and that she will hopefully get to where she can be happier at the hospital again.

Besides her being extra tired, having sore throats, upset stomachs and leg pains, she has handled this new chemo well. We get this week off (which always seems like the best, longest vacation when we don't have to go for a week!) The doctors were able to move her next appointment until after Eric's brother's wedding next weekend. We are very thankful for that and hope that Hannah can feel good for it. The next appointment is when it is supposed to get rough for her. She will have two new chemos that the docs say will make her sick. Please keep praying that she can handle these new chemos well. We have been truly amazed at how well she has done so far -- many answered prayers!

Hannah chose to be a witch for Halloween this year. I thought that was a perfect choice because:
1. Lauren wore this costume two years ago and there's nothing better than hand-me-downs.
2. Hannah is on steroids and so she is easily able to play the part!

This picture is my attempt to capture the essence of our Halloween this year. The witch hat that goes with the costume was thrown across the room moments before she flung herself onto the floor, refusing to pose for the picture.

(Please don't think that I'm cruel to be laughing about all of this - in the title of this post and by taking pictures of her being upset. There has to be some humor in all of this mess! I really think that when this is all over and she gets older, she will laugh about it too.)

1 comment:

Amber said...

I actually find it refreshing that you can already see some humor! A lot of people wouldn't be able to take these phases so well! So happy that you blog and I can keep up with you and y'alls journey!